- Introduction: Direct Property Investment
- Table of Content
- Concept
- Bases
- Indirect Property Investment
- Direct Property Investment
- Differences between Direct and Indirect Property Investment
- Market Share, Aims, Motives
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Requirements of Direct Investments
- Parameters for Direct Investors
- Action Strategies for Direct Investors
- Direct Investment Management
- Real Estate Brokers
- Property Portals
- Acquisition / Transaction Process
- Investment Properties
- Sales Offer
- Transaction Costs
- Pricing Instruments
- K. O. Analysis
- Provisional Guarantee of the Outcome of the Negotiations
- Investor Due Diligence (IDD)
- Property Financing
- Public Registration of Property Purchase Contract
- Application for Entry in the Land Register
- Disposal / Disinvestment Process
- Divestment Properties
- Preparation for Sale
- Conversion
- Vendor Due Diligence (VDD)
- Taxes
- Advisers and Service Providers
- Conclusion
- Links to further legal topics
- Appointment
- Contact
- Imprint
- Disclaimer